CW: Realistic imagery of mold, artistic imagery of carrion, cartoonish imagery of flies and worms.

Welcome to Carrion County!  

If you’re a first time visitor, you ought to stop by Sweetbread Town! Their cozy community is sure to make anyone feel welcome. 

If you’re on the more adventurous side, why not explore the Ileum Forest? Be warned though, these woods are chock full of danger, mystery, and untold fortune!

So what are you waiting for? Come on down and visit!


Carry On is a short RPG Maker MV game based off a dream the author had during their first year of college about a forgotten god that slept under the soil of a polluted creek bed, worshipped only by the bugs that inhabited the refuse in the water. 

You play as a small cloaked figure that just woke up in the Cradle of  Carrion County, a small community built into body of a decaying animal. You can choose to explore your environment, fight/talk to/befriend/consume its inhabitants, work to uncover the secrets of both the body you inhabit and the entity sleeping beneath it, and/or completely ignore the main plot and simply complete small side quests.

While originally planned to be three levels (The Body, The Creek Bank, The Thalweg), this version is still a Demo and will contain the first level.

Carry On was created in 2024 by Morgan Liu as part of their senior project for the ICAM program at UCSD 

Programs Used: RPG Maker, Procreate, and Resprite

(This Game was largely left unfinished and there is no Ending)

Updated 1 hour ago
StatusIn development
Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
Made withRPG Maker
Tagsbugs, Horror, insects, RPG Maker, RPG Maker MV, worms
Average sessionAbout a half-hour

Development log

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